Sunday, August 25, 2013

LESSON IV - Part 3: Small Vegetable Studies

For this series of 5 vegetable studies, use small pieces of watercolor paper, square or rectangular.  For each of these, do a contour drawing first, in pencil.  Then, for each vegetable, do a yellow underpainting first, even if your vegetable is green or orange or red.

1.  Draw and paint some gourds.  Use warm colors, and use a warm color (like burnt sienna) for the background.  

2.  Draw and paint another gourd -- this one can be more patterned.  Paint a wet-on-wet background, using cool colors, like blue and rose.

3.  Draw and paint two bell peppers.  Remember to paint a yellow underpainting on the peppers, and bring that yellow onto the tabletop.  Add a horizontal line for the table, and paint the background dark colors, mingling them on the paper.  Use blue for the cast shadows.

4.  Draw and paint some peppers, on a simple patterned tablecloth.

5.  Draw and paint 2 more bell peppers, painting cool colors in the background.  Keep the background very soft.

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