Tuesday, August 20, 2013

LESSON IV - Part 2: Sketchbook Assignment - Contour Drawing

A contour drawing is a line drawing that describes the outer and inner form of an object or a person.  Sounds simple, right?  But, it's one of the most important things I ever learned.

Contour drawing requires close attention and patience -- but, it will improve your concentration and focus, and your eye-hand coordination (ability to draw what you see).  When contour drawing, we try to combine two experiences -- touching and looking.

Grab your sketchbook, and a pen (so you won't be tempted to erase), and try a few contour drawings.

1.)  Draw your shoe, still attached to your foot.  (These drawings are just examples from my sketchbooks.  It's important that you draw from life, not from these drawings.)

Focus your eyes on some point on your subject -- any point -- along the contour (edge) of the subject  Imagine that your pencil or pen point is touching the subject.  Keeping your eye on the subject, follow the contours of the object, with continuous lines -- no sketchy lines and no erasing.

2.)  Draw your feet.  (Don't worry about how "pretty" your drawing is . . . )

Move your eye slowly along the contour of the object, and move your pen slowly along the paper.  Try to feel that you are not just looking at it, but also touching the object with your pencil.

Look at your subject more than at your paper.  In fact, try not to draw while you're looking at your paper -- only draw while you're looking at your subject.  Take your time -- don't be impatient or too quick.

3.)  Draw some natural forms, which offer the most variation, like some flowers in your garden . . . 
(there should not be any shading in a contour drawing)

4.)  Fill up an entire page in your sketchbook, with contour drawings of your left hand (if you're right-handed) -- in different poses.

Occasionally, the contour line you're drawing may leave the edge of the subject and eventually come to an end.  Then, glance at your paper, and choose another point to start again.  Or, when you come to a point where one object or part of an object disappears behind another, stop.  Then begin drawing the visible contour of the overlapping shape.

And, don't be misled by shadows.  Your pencil should move on the edge of the form, not the edge of a shadow.

5.)  Draw the leaves of a houseplant . . . 

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